Titel: Hoher Gletscherblick
Technique: Animated film based on a digital 3D model.
Content: The Artwork depicts a mountain hut from the viewpoint of a mountaineer.
Date: 2023
Titel: Hightech-Lowtech
Technique: Exploded axonometric representation as a vector drawing based on a digital 3D model.
Content: The artwork shows how high-tech and low-tech components are cenceptually combined as a mountain hut.
Datum: 2023
Titel: Zugbelastung
Technique: Stop-motion film of a physical model.
Content: The artwork shows the structural concept in the design of a mountain hut.
Datum: 2023
Titel: Flexibility
Technique: Diagrammatic representation as vector drawings.
Content: The artwork showcases different conceptual approaches to the design of a mountain hut.
Datum: 2023
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