“The exploitation of a territorys ressources oc-
curs over several stages: the Identification, isola-
tion, and encapsulation of ressources, then the
establishment of infrastructure to extract and col-
lect the animate or inanimate matter to be exploit-
ed – water, forest, minerals, and so on. The model
represents this process using „suction cups“
curs over several stages: the Identification, isola-
tion, and encapsulation of ressources, then the
establishment of infrastructure to extract and col-
lect the animate or inanimate matter to be exploit-
ed – water, forest, minerals, and so on. The model
represents this process using „suction cups“
Ait Touati, Frederique & Arenes, Alexandra & Grégoire, Axelle.
Terra Forma
Terra Forma
Ait Touati, Frederique & Arenes, Alexandra & Grégoire, Axelle. (2022). Terra For
ma: A book of speculative maps, The MIT Press, S. 151
ma: A book of speculative maps, The MIT Press, S. 151